Unlock The Highest Potentials of Your Soul Star
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The Soul Star is an energetic signature of your true essence, which holds the akashic records of your past and future as potentials in the present moment. This is an invitation to discover your Soul's higher purpose and gifts, your creative potential, wounds that may become sources of profound healing and your core life lessons. We explore your path of transformation to living in the unified field of your Soul Star and your path of service to fulfill your highest destiny. What are the Stars holding for you in 2024? What is the message of love behind your challenges? What is re-emerging from the past? And what is calling you from the future?
Session 1: Unveil the Wisdom of Your Soul Star / Learn about the deep mysteries your astrological natal chart, your evolutionary path and the message of the stars for 2024 and beyond.
Session 2: Return to Wholeness / Energy healing related to the core wounding, Soul fragmentation and life lessons arising from your chart. Unifying parts into wholeness through love. These are your future gifts for all ascending life. Session 3: Awaken Your Krystal Star of Light / Activation of the the unity light codes and the highest timeline of your Soul Star as a unified Source field and releasing the old duality timelines related. Session 4: Activate Your Soul's Calling / Aligning to your highest future potential, purpose and wellbeing, and outlining what it means to you in practice. Four session package: session 1 (2 hours 120€) + sessions 2-4 (1,5 hours 90€) = 390€. You may include extra sessions á 90€ (normal 99€) in this package for continued support to manifesting your Soul's calling. Payments in instalments possible. If you wish to focus on the astrological sessions only (1-3) the package is 300€. |
This is a transformational journey to embody your higher potentials and to live your Soul's calling. You will call forth your highest destiny and design your life to support your dreams and wellbeing on all levels. We work to transform any disempowered patterns so you may take bold steps into your best future in 2024 and beyond. You begin to co-create life with Spirit moment to moment. What is your Soul dreaming of?
What ignites your heart? What would it mean to you to live from a deep sense of purpose and wellbeing? |