Alchemy of Heart & Purpose
For Conscious Changemakers
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Your life has a purpose – you have some special gift to contribute to the world. And there is no-one else on Earth who could bring forth exactly what you have inside.
How do you then get to know your purpose and your gifts? That’s the question I’ve heard so many times from seekers of their path and it has certainly inspired my own life since young. Below some realizations along the way. What is my purpose? That’s an enormous question for the mind to handle. Hence it begins to rationalize and doubt, becoming fixed: “I must find my purpose, so I won’t stop searching until I get it.” Or “I’m going to sit on this fence until I’m certain about what I should do”. Doing is the language the mind comprehends, right? But purpose in essence is not about doing. It’s more about being. The more you chase your purpose, the further it slips away from your reach as anything you get attached to. Attachment triggers tension which in turn inhibits the creative flow. And the more you think about it the more firmly you get trapped in the brain which is very limited in its capacity to help you out with inquiries like that. It's your heart that holds the essence of your purpose and gifts. Including a most intelligent navigation system with a compass that always points to your true North. The heart knows even if you mind doesn’t. Therefore, the essential task upon your quest of purpose is to connect with your heart. When you are centered within your heart, all that you do radiates the light of your gift and purpose. Every choice you make or meeting with another person, even performing everyday routines. And it's not dependent on your ability to name your purpose or recognize your gifts. It's the unique quality of energy that you deliver. Perhaps nothing else is really needed for fulfilling your purpose? What is then "living in the heart"? To me its about living in harmony with myself, others and the whole. Being true to who I am, honoring my own authentic feelings, values and needs. Being present to others and honoring what is important to them. And being available for life to serve through me. Asking life: How can I be of service today? I believe it's in the giving that our gift becomes known. And by performing small things with heart, our purpose begins to reveal itself. But if you live your life cut off from your center, the light cannot shine through nor can your purpose guide your actions. No matter how successful you may be. It's about following someone else's agenda and expectations. Even if you can fulfill your purpose without putting it into words, it may become a source of great inspiration when you do so. A good practice to connect with your purpose and capture its energy is meditation. By tuning in to your heart on a regular basis, you could for instance come up with an idea that your purpose is to be an agent of peace. That would capture for you the essential quality of energy that inspires your actions. Just remember to keep it open for new discoveries, to change and evolve as you do. For energy can take many forms, and your purpose can follow many paths. You can explore the expressions of your purpose by asking: How do I enhance peace in my work and everyday encounters with others? Obviously, there are several tasks, jobs and careers where you can spread the energy of peace, right? And even more ways to express it in your everyday life. So, how do you know when you are living your purpose? When you begin to move towards a more authentic life, you may notice a growing sense of inner peace, no matter what happens on the outside. Gradually, the external circumstances too will become organized in new ways. For the outer reality always reflects the inner world. New opportunities to harness your true talents may come your way. Unexpected events show up just in time. And you come across with others who share your values and passions. Not because you actively looked for your purpose, as it was always within you. It all happens because you have aligned with your heart and allow your purpose to serve through you. Living your purpose doesn’t mean the end of difficulties, for life ever challenges us to grow. More likely, the path of the heart will trigger your shadows and nagging doubts just as it gives you tremendous joy and fulfillment. It becomes a rite of passage challenging you to your limits, so you can release old beliefs about what's possible and discover your true greatness. Are you ready to say YES to your Path of Purpose? In Service With Heart - Mia Reflection - To inspire your journey, below a couple of questions that you can place in the heart in quiet moments of reflection or meditation.
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Mia AittolaTransformation Coach - Purpose Agent - Alchemist of Conscious Evolution Archives
February 2020